Art Literature


  • Sushma Timilsina

Happiness with a positive soul

Trust but no attract 

Vibrate with good energy

Wonder kindness genuinely.

Potential until the overflowing 

Value to the lives and respect

Smile superior expectation attitude 

Dissolved happiness and miracle

Outcomes and events learn inside 

Aspire to be a giver

Smile dear despite the tear

Surrounds with influence and loves ones.

Victories and defeats are life

Buts color with crayons

Fills with soul and add value

Finds the opportunity easily.

Genius will be determined 

Encourage with ability and possibility 

Scratch and hurt will polish 

Honesty conscience will constantly.

Assignment with fairness and integrity

Attention will stay and shines

Changed with behaving positively

Is really about moving on with a good Soul.
