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Violence erupts in China as people attempt to leave COVID19-hit Hubei province

Violence erupts in China as people attempt to leave COVID19-hit Hubei province

Beijing: The Chinese government's decision to relax an epidemic lockdown, which was triggered following the spread of Coronavirus in Wuhan region seems to have backfired as violent protests occurred on a bridge between China’s virus-stricken Hubei province and neighbouring Jiangxi province recently, media reports said.

Police vehicles were overturned and police scuffled with each other amid large crowds of shouting people, according to a series of videos posted to Chinese social media, reported The Globe And Mail newspaper.
According to local media reports, the clashes occurred after authorities in Jiangxi blocked entry to people from Hubei.

"Today (March 27), a number of online video transmissions showed that at the first bridge of the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City, Jiangxi, a traffic police in Huangmei County, Hubei and Jiangxi Jiujiang police were involved  in a dispute, and one police officer was pushed to the ground," Beijing News earlier reported.

Li Gang (pseudonym), a staff member of the Jiujiang Traffic Police Detachment, said that the no.1 bridge over the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City is a link between Huangmei County in Hubei and Jiujiang City in Jiangxi," the newspaper reported.

Several staff members of the Jiujiang City Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters told the Beijing News reporter that at present, residents of Huangmei County need to meet three conditions to enter Jiujiang City to travel abroad: train tickets, green codes and proof of destination reception.
Regarding the conflict between law enforcement officials in the two places, a staff member said that "the formalities can be passed and there is no possibility of non-release."

Beijing News said it reporter confirmed from the Huangmei County Public Security Bureau and the Press Division of the Publicity Department of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee that the relevant departments have intervened in the "conflict" between police officers in the two places. Announcement.

"People from Hubei have been refused entry to hotels and their homes, even if they were not in Hubei during the past two months. On social media, people have reported being barred from entering Beijing merely because their hometown is in Hubei.Now, the release of lockdown measures means large numbers of people from Hubei are attempting to move elsewhere in China, threatening new hostilities," reported the newspaper.
China is believed to be the nation from where the COVID 19 spread across different corners of the globe. Despite China's propaganda to shift blame, coronavirus is being referred as the Chinese Virus or Chinese Wuhan Virus across social media platforms.

Lawsuit Filed Against China:

American lawyer Larry Klayman and his advocacy group Freedom Watch has recently filed $20 Trillion lawsuit against Chinese authorities in the US over the Coronavirus outbreak which has hit nearly all the nations across the globe.

"Klayman and his Freedom Watch did not file suit for political reasons, but rather to have a jury award damages to the victims of China's release of the COVID-19 virus, which has already killed many Americans, exposed huge numbers of others to death and harm, caused extreme emotional distress to loved ones and friends, and is on the verge of causing a near total stock market and economic collapse," it said.

"Klayman and his clients, which include those severely harmed by the release of the virus are seeking to do what our government will not: namely make Chinese government pay for the massive damage. Klayman had this to say upon filing suit," it said.

Beijing reports 3 new imported COVID-19 cases:

Beijing reported three new confirmed cases of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from other countries on Friday, bringing the total number of imported cases in the national capital to 156, the municipal health commission said Saturday, reported Xinhua.

The new reported cases were from the United States, according to the commission.

No new confirmed indigenous COVID-19 cases were reported in Beijing on Friday.

The municipality had reported a total of 416 confirmed domestic cases as of Friday, among which 394 had been discharged from hospital after recovery.
