Communist misusing public sentiment

Communist misusing public sentiment

Various Nepali governments have taken diplomatic  decisions in the past which have gone against the people of Nepal in the long run.

Playing on the sentiments of the clear hearted nepali population the communists have always created unnecessary situations that have impacted the nation adversely.

The Oli government's decision to issue a map of Nepal showing the area perceived to be inside India as within Nepal is one such instance. Unfortunately Nepal has taken very few critical diplomatic decisions in the past on issues of this nature.

This time around there are clear indications that the decision to release the map has marked the beginning of the end of the limouadhara/Lioulekh issue for Nepal.

India's stand indicates that Nepal has lost the chance to resolve the issue and clearly indicates how raw nationalism takes precedence over real tactical diplomacy. Nepal has to go a long way to achieve success on kalapani issue and probably it will not happen during the existence of this government.

Official Spokesperson's response to media queries on the revised map of Nepal released today by Government of Nepal

May 20, 2020

In response to media queries on the revised map of Nepal released today by Government of Nepal, the Official Spokesperson Mr. Anurag Srivastava said,

" The Government of Nepal has released a revised official map of Nepal today that includes parts of Indian territory. This unilateral act is not based on historical facts and evidence. It is contrary to the bilateral understanding to resolve the outstanding boundary issues through diplomatic dialogue. Such artificial enlargement of territorial claims will not be accepted by India.

Nepal is well aware of India’s consistent position on this matter and we urge the Government of Nepal to refrain from such unjustified cartographic assertion and respect India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. We hope that the Nepalese leadership will create a positive atmosphere for diplomatic dialogue to resolve the outstanding boundary issues."

New Delhi
May 20, 2020

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