ANP condemns alleged threats to PTM leader

PESHAWAR: Awami National Party (ANP) has condemned the alleged death threats to the Pashtun Tahafuz Movement (PTM) central leader Dr Said Alam Mehsud.

ANP provincial president Aimal Wali Khan in a statement said that freedom of expression and speech was the constitutional right of every citizen. If anyone commits a crime, the persons should be tried by the courts, he added.

The ANP leader said that making telephone calls and threats from “unknown’ persons must be stopped.

Earlier, Dr Said AlamMehsud had claimed that he had been receiving threatening calls from unknown phone numbers. He said that the callers issued him death threats.

Dr Said Alam Mehsud claimed that he had been told that he had crossed the ‘red lines’ several times and now he would not be spared.

He said that he had been told that his time was up and his speeches would not be tolerated any more.

He said the callers had also threatened to harm his children.

He said that it was the responsibility of the state to provide security to his family and bring the culprits threatening him to justice.

Dr Said Alam Mehsud, who is a paediatric surgeon and resides in Peshawar, is a central leader of PTM.



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