Fu Zhenghua served as deputy director of the Social and Legal System Committee of the CPPCC National Committee 

Beijing Toutiao client news, CCTV News on May 19, the tenth meeting of the 13th Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee was held, supplemented by Fu Zhenghua, member of the 13th CPPCC National Committee, deputy director of the Social and Legal Committee.

Fu Zhenghua previously served as Minister of Justice and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group. In late April, Fu Zhenghua stepped down from his position in the Ministry of Justice and was replaced by Tang Yijun, then governor of Liaoning Province.

Fu Zhenghua became Minister of Justice and Deputy Secretary of the Party Group in March 2018. At that time, the Ministry of Justice was reorganized by the reform of state institutions. Fu Zhenghua, then deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security and executive deputy minister (at the ministerial level), was transferred to the newly formed Ministry of Justice.

Fu Zhenghua is an "old public security". Before that, he worked in the public security system for many years, and served as the party secretary and director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

In August 2013, Fu Zhenghua was transferred to the Ministry of Public Security and served successively as Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, member of the Party Committee, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee (at the ministerial level), Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, and Executive Deputy Minister. During this period, he served as the former director of the Central Office 610.

(Original title "Fu Zhenghua as Deputy Director of the Social and Legal System Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference")


Source: https://www.sohu.com/a/396295361_260616

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