US-China Post Corona Controversy Struggle, Is Korea Ready?

The Corona 19 situation is leading to a worsening conflict between the United States and China. The confrontation that began in the Chinese responsibility theory workshop, the source of the virus, is a sign that it will expand into a competition for hegemony in preparation for the reorganization of the world economy and international order that will come along with the coronation phase.

The US-China conflict is a big challenge for Korea. First of all, there must be a direct aftermath in the economy. US President Donald Trump has cited several times more intense public offensives than the trade war before Corona, China. Among them, the idea of ​​restructuring the existing global supply chain to exclude China and establish a new supply chain focused on the United States and its allies was also included. Analysis of Trump's trade reform initiatives was also pressured by Roberto Azebedo's secretary-general of the World Trade Organization yesterday. If this idea becomes a reality, Korea's position, which is linked to China with a close division of labor, and relying on close to 30% of its gross domestic product (GDP) for trade with China (including Hong Kong), will have to be overwhelmed. Unlike the United States, which professes to cut off from China (decoupling and decoupling), South Korea's economy is too tightly entangled with China.
South Korea's diplomacy is likely to face even more fundamental problems. It is a question of what Korea will take in the competition for hegemony between the United States and China, which is expected to become more sharp after the corona crisis. The more the US and its allies-oriented public siege network is strengthened, the more China's offensive to attract Korea to its side will be strengthened. Chinese President Xi Jinping's call to President Moon Jae-in last week seems to be part of the move. "China wants to support the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) with Korea," said Mr. Si. This is a remark that the US Congress recently passed legislation to support Taiwan's recovery in the WHO General Assembly and appealed for participation from South Korea and other allies.
Being forced to choose the alternative is the most avoided scenario in Korea and does not help the national interest. It is difficult to mistake this as a'love call' due to the rise in the ransom in Korea. Before and after the deployment of the High Altitude Missile Defense (THAAD) system, Korea's public diplomacy should not repeat the experience of retaliation against China on a roller coaster.
In these times, it is necessary to clarify the principles and goals of our diplomacy and to practice practical diplomacy on that basis. This means strengthening cooperation with China on the basis and trust of the Korea-US alliance, the basis of our diplomacy. We must clearly distinguish what we can and cannot do, and be able to explain and persuade others. To do this, it is important to clarify our own principles and logic. Even in order not to repeat the pain experienced during the deployment of the SAAD, the government must closely monitor the direction of international order after the corona crisis and establish a thorough response strategy.

The Corona 19 situation is leading to a worsening conflict between the United States and China. The confrontation that began in the Chinese responsibility theory workshop, the source of the virus, is a sign that it will expand into a competition for hegemony in preparation for the reorganization of the world economy and international order that will come along with the coronation phase.

The US-China conflict is a big challenge for Korea. First of all, there must be a direct aftermath in the economy. US President Donald Trump has cited several times more intense public offensives than the trade war before Corona, China. Among them, the idea of ​​restructuring the existing global supply chain to exclude China and establish a new supply chain focused on the United States and its allies was also included. Analysis of Trump's trade reform initiatives was also pressured by Roberto Azebedo's secretary-general of the World Trade Organization yesterday. If this idea becomes a reality, Korea's position, which is linked to China with a close division of labor, and relying on close to 30% of its gross domestic product (GDP) for trade with China (including Hong Kong), will have to be overwhelmed. Unlike the United States, which professes to cut off from China (decoupling and decoupling), South Korea's economy is too tightly entangled with China.
South Korea's diplomacy is likely to face even more fundamental problems. It is a question of what Korea will take in the competition for hegemony between the United States and China, which is expected to become more sharp after the corona crisis. The more the US and its allies-oriented public siege network is strengthened, the more China's offensive to attract Korea to its side will be strengthened. Chinese President Xi Jinping's call to President Moon Jae-in last week seems to be part of the move. "China wants to support the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) with Korea," said Mr. Si. This is a remark that the US Congress recently passed legislation to support Taiwan's recovery in the WHO General Assembly and appealed for participation from South Korea and other allies.
Being forced to choose the alternative is the most avoided scenario in Korea and does not help the national interest. It is difficult to mistake this as a'love call' due to the rise in the ransom in Korea. Before and after the deployment of the High Altitude Missile Defense (THAAD) system, Korea's public diplomacy should not repeat the experience of retaliation against China on a roller coaster.
In these times, it is necessary to clarify the principles and goals of our diplomacy and to practice practical diplomacy on that basis. This means strengthening cooperation with China on the basis and trust of the Korea-US alliance, the basis of our diplomacy. We must clearly distinguish what we can and cannot do, and be able to explain and persuade others. To do this, it is important to clarify our own principles and logic. Even in order not to repeat the pain experienced during the deployment of the SAAD, the government must closely monitor the direction of international order after the corona crisis and establish a thorough response strategy.


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