Diplomatic Tussles On Corona

-Bipin Deo

Each aspect of life is touched extensively and intensively by Coronavirus. Just like an effective Chinese marketing of Chinese product, presence of virus is in every nook and corner of the world. Diplomatic discourse also does not remain untouched by it. Western media and western narrative have been vehement in criticism of Chinese way of dealing with Corona which has locked every individual in his/her personal imprisonment. Paradoxically, prisoners in Iran came out of prison. The first impact of Corona is that state has acquired and accumulated immense power threatening individuals freedom. In this connection, Stephen Walt, professor of international relations at Harvard has remarked, “This epidemic strengthens the power of state and nationalism becomes more dominant: all kinds of governments have adopted their own crisis measures for their crisis management.” In the other words, leaders, no matter elected through democratic process have gathered enough strength and power to exercise. This has been global practice both in East and West. Barnko Milanovic, professor of London school of Economic has presented the picture of Post-Corona atmosphere of governance in these words, “when government forces military and paramilitary forces, social condition is bound to be hampered”. Present scenario shows horizontal and vertical difference in two systems and two styles of functioning of governance in tackling this herculean task. In democratic countries, Media has been vocal in injecting awareness among people as well as it keeps on exposing loopholes and drawbacks of Governments. Media expects transparency from the Government in democratic atmosphere. In autocratic and totalitarian system, media remains blinkered in discharge of its duties. Capturing the differences of values in the two different ways of functioning, American Political Scientist, Samuel Huntington agrees that “idea of individualism, liberalism, constitutionalism, human rights, equality, liberty, freedom, the rule of law, democracy etc.. Societies have been defined by differences such as differences between democracy and communism.” That is to say, in totalitarian system, Media no longer has presence in capturing plight and pathos of Corona-stricken society. What China did was that it kicked out reporters of New-York times and Washington post from China. It was only “Global Times”, mouthpieces of Chinese Communist Party, which was permitted to ventilate news and views in tune of echoes and values of it. Kurt Campbell and Ross Doris, noted columnist of foreign affairs magazine have blamed Chinese Government in following words, “China has been spreading propaganda, tweets and public message worldwide in variety of ways to prove that it has had capacity of solving epidemic like Corona.” It also has claimed that it would be able to extend the hand of co-operation in fighting against this problem. Ironically, America had tried to assist China, in three times to fight against this problem but China out rightly rejected the proposal.

In democratic atmosphere and practice, co-operation and co-ordination are much more emphasized in fighting such types of problem. To fight the COVID-19 problem, Indian Prime minister, Modi’s initiation to coordinate with SAARC leaders through video conferencing keeping aside its differences with Pakistan is the practice of democratic style of functioning. Modi went ahead in setting up a fund of 10 Million US Dollar in order to cope with such type of disaster. Bhutan, Nepal and other South Asian countries responded positively by contributing on their part as a gesture of joint co-operation, co-ordination and collaboration. 

Post-Corona climate has put the question mark on the globalized, urbanized and industrialized world. Interconnectedness and dependency have been threatened beyond the extent. Even socialization is totally hampered. Robert Kaplan’s of Eurisa Group has made his view in these words, “Corona virus has pushed boundaries of first and second globalization which has led to increased militarization as well as establishment of two major group and two separate supply network.” In Western and democratic countries, focus is on exposition of problem in all its forms and manifestations whereas in autocratic and totalitarian system, focus is on suppression of the problem. It appears as if there is tussle between two systems, two cultures and two ways of functioning. In this connection Samuel Huntington remarks, “Future war would be fought not between countries but between cultures.” In these days, many autocratic countries appear as if they are far from Corona Virus. North Korea is an example. It no longer has permitted agency and media of other countries to observe the ground reality of the country. Even autocratic country takes its opportunity to pamper and flatter another autocratic country. Even Government of Pakistan did not agree to rescue its students studying in China in spite of unprecedented and unsurmountable pressure of its people saying that in time of crisis it has reposed its trust and faith in ever-tested tie of friendship between Pakistan and China. This behavior is in tune of autocratic and totalitarian style.

Coronavirus has brought storm in a teacup in bilateral and multi-lateral relationship of many countries. China-America relation is an example. When America called back its diplomatic officials from China keeping threat of Corona in mind: China condemned and criticized the behavior of American Government saying that it is against norms and values of diplomacy to call back its staff in time of crisis and critical time.

Ironically, when Russia called back its diplomatic staff, it no longer expressed reaction rather it twisted the matter saying that it had advanced information of the situation.

Post-Corona days have created a water-tight compartment between nations and culture. A country following autocracy and totalitarian value has enclosed systems of functioning. Media, civil-society, human rights agency have no presence to map the ground reality but a country within the framework of democracy allows media, civil-society and human rights to operate to full of its capacity to create an atmosphere of transparency and freedom.

Corona problem demands collective effort based on democratic values along with joint-efforts, sharing and caring towards others. Diplomatic move of a country is being aided, abated and instigated by a political system under which it is operated.