PM Modi's 21-day lockdown is model for COVID-19 affected countries

Washington D.C.[USA], Mar 29 (ANI): At a time when the world is fighting COVID-19 pandemic and several countries are grappling with the rising cases of coronavirus, the initiatives taken by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi for containing the menace are being lauded by many activists and analysts worldwide.

Speaking to ANI, an activist from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza praised Modi's 21-day lockdown and said the situation in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Gilgit Baltistan is deteriorating because people are not following social distancing and norms of complete lockdown.

"The situation in Pakistan remains out of control due to lack of leadership and a national action plan. Coronavirus patients are being sent to PoK for isolation which is totally unacceptable since it will accelerate the spread of the virus in the occupied region," he said.

Senge H. Sering, a political activist from Gilgit Baltistan, who is based in Washington D.C. said, "Indian Prime Minister Modi is playing a constructive and supportive role as expected from the leader of world's fourth-largest economy. His policy of 'no citizens left behind' has earned him recognition from opposition parties who are also supporting his lockdown directive."The Coronavirus cases in Pakistan on Saturday reached 1,526 cases with 570 cases in Punjab, 469 in Sindh, 188 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, 138 in Balochistan, 118 in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (PoK)/ Gilgit Baltistan and 43 in Islamabad and 11 deaths. Punjab province has emerged as the new epicenter of the deadly viral infection in the country taking over from Sindh.

Many around the world have praised Modi's strict action. Marc Benioff, an American Internet entrepreneur tweeted saying, "India's Prime Minister ordered all 1.3 billion people in the country to stay inside their homes for 3 weeks starting Wednesday - the biggestmost severe action undertaken anywhere to stop the spread of the Coronavirus. We need the same here in the U.S.".

Dr. David Frawley, a U.S. based yoga guru said, "India with its national lockdown for twenty-one days is far ahead of the United States, which has many more cases and fewer people and is still debating its response. The world must admire the guidance and compassion of Narendra Modi".

As the country entered Day 5 of a 21-day lockdown, the total coronavirus cases in the country have risen to 979. This includes 48 foreign nationals.

The death toll has increased to 25. Meanwhile, 87 patients have been cured/discharged across the country. (ANI)