PM Modi earns kudos from world for his 21-day lockdown order to combat COVID-19

New Delhi/IBNS: Several international experts and think thank groups have appreciated Indian PM Narendra Modi's 21-day lockdown move to combat COVID-19 outbreak in India with many calling the process as a step in the right direction.

Amsterdam-based think- tank, the European Foundation for South Asian Studies (EFSAS) called Modi's decision as 'good'.

Junaid Qureshi, the Director of EFSAS said, "Very good decision by PM Modi to call for a lockdown. For a country like India, it is important to stop the spread of this disease in the initial stage as otherwise it will prove to be catastrophic. Wishing family and friends in India all the very best. Take care and stay safe!"

Speaking to ANI news agency, an activist from Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) Dr Amjad Ayub Mirza praised Modi's 21-day lockdown and said the situation in Pakistan and Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK) and Gilgit Baltistan is deteriorating because people are not following social distancing and norms of complete lockdown. 

"The situation in Pakistan remains out of control due to lack of leadership and a national action plan. Coronavirus patients are being sent to PoK for isolation which is totally unacceptable since it will accelerate the spread of the virus in the occupied region," he told the news agency.

Senge H. Sering, a political activist from Gilgit Baltistan, who is based in Washington D.C. was quoted as saying by ANI: "Indian Prime Minister Modi is playing a constructive and supportive role as expected from the leader of world's fourth-largest economy. His policy of 'no citizens left behind' has earned him recognition from opposition parties who are also supporting his lockdown directive."

Marc Benioff, an American Internet entrepreneur, praised Modi and tweeted: "India’s prime minister ordered all 1.3 billion people in the country to stay inside their homes for 3 weeks starting Wednesday — the biggest & most severe action undertaken anywhere to stop the spread of the coronavirus. We need the same here in."

Modi made the announcement for a 21-day lockdown exactly a week ago last Tuesday.

However, Narendra Modi addressing 'Mann Ki Baat' on Sunday apologised to the nation for taking such a hard decision like 21-day lockdown to combat the spread of Coronavirus, while also warning those who are violating the norms stating they "playing with their own life." 

"I apologise to the nation for taking some hard decisions that have caused inconvenience to the common man. I believe you will forgive me. I had to take these steps to ensure your protection," PM Modi said during his monthly radio address Mann ki Baat.