[East and North and South]'The Lie of China'

After the corona pandemic, the eyes of China and the world have changed . It was in February that the word "Chernobyl Moment of China" appeared in the Western media. As the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident was a precursor to the collapse of the former Soviet Union, it was predicted that the corona could be a clue to the fall of the Chinese Communist Party. A contributing article to the Financial Times said, President Xi Jinping faced serious challenges in a mess with public health emergencies that require transparent and accurate information in a timely manner. International leaders are under pressure from China. On April 15, about 100 people in the political and diplomatic fields, including former Canadian Attorney General Irwin Kotler, wrote an open letter criticizing China. "It is China's responsibility for Corona to spread around the world," said Kotler. "Their behavior puts both Chinese citizens and the international community at risk." Since then, the situation has been repeated. Patients in Europe, such as Spain, France, and the United Kingdom, and North America, including the United States, surged. The United States has surpassed 1.5 million confirmed and 90,000 deaths. China launched a massive offensive and propaganda campaign. From March 1 to April 4, 400 million masks were sprayed all over the world. It provided personal protective equipment and dispatched medical staff. Then, it was said that China was the last winner. Economist said, "This pandemic is not only a catastrophe for mankind, but there is concern that it can be a geopolitical turning point that changes from the center of the United States to the center of China." Really? Unlike China's wishes and some concerns, it should be seen that China is becoming more likely to become a'global bullying'. It's not just because of the US strategy to keep the Chinese nostrils from overwhelming the hegemony. It is more essential for the international community to realize that China's lies and hypocrisy, which have been overlooked or overlooked for a long time, can no longer be neglected. The voice of vigilance about China's false masks steadily emerged. In March last year, the Brookings Research Institute reported that China's gross domestic product (GDP) was exaggerated by 2 percentage points between 2008 and 2016. It is estimated that 2018 GDP will be 12% less than statistics. France's world-renowned scholar Sorman said in a 2006 book "The Lies of China" that "(China) economic statistics cannot be verified. In elections, deception is used. Epidemics are concealed." This voice has not been a great help. Many countries have benefited from China's abundant low-cost workforce and products. It was also expected that liberal democracy would soon blossom in China. The positive is now turning into negative. Corona outbreaks, transmissions, and the concealment of viral information and the suppression of medical staff and critics sparked global anger. The West's response is tough. The United States has entered into a strategy to completely isolate China. Taiwan media, including the Free Times, are discussing the possibility of a US-China armed conflict as the United States launches a B-1B strategic bomber into the Taiwan Strait. In terms of value and human rights, the criticism of China, but in economic matters, Europe, which was'practical' neutrality between the United States and China, symbolizes the atmosphere of joining the'anti-China' front even in economic matters. EU Commissioner Margrete Vestager advised EU member states to buy shares to prevent China from exploiting the Corona situation and snatching European companies. In Germany, countries outside the EUThe government has announced a regulatory policy that would ban governments from investing. ANI Telecom of India said, "The whole world is trying to'make an economic distance' against China." The world is now questioning what China is saying, and what Chinese products are. It is popular to share'before and after corona' these days. Perceiving China's lies no longer is a huge change in the post-corona era. Source : http://news.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2020/05/18/2020051803678.html