Domestic anti-submarine aircraft official news! Live ammunition mounted in the air to accurately sink underwater targets 

Anti-submarine warfare is a very important subject in modern warfare. Since anti-submarine warfare involves the enemy’s strategic nuclear submarines and attacking nuclear submarines, it can play a very important and important role in containing the strategic nuclear strike force of any potential opponent. The importance of fighting this elite force can be said to be self-evident. Recently, our Chinese navy has released a video of the training and simulation of the actual combat of the air submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft. The video shows that the air submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft opened the bomb bay and dropped the anti-submarine special live ammunition to accurately detect the location of the local submarine. The strike, the result of the strike proves that the enemy's submarine target has been sunk on the spot, which means that the simulated actual combat drill has been successfully concluded.

Improved self-shipping 9 transport aircraft

The Air Submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft is the first special purpose anti-submarine patrol aircraft independently developed by my country, and represents a new level of my country's anti-submarine capability. The body structure of the aircraft itself is improved from the transport 9 transport aircraft, and a large number of anti-submarine precision detection equipment and high-powered on-board computers and radars are installed inside. The aircraft itself has very strong battlefield awareness and detection capabilities in the anti-submarine field. For any potential Submarine targets have strong detection and search capabilities and belong to the world's most advanced first-class standard anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

Air submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft

In the past, our Chinese navy did not have its own advanced anti-submarine patrol aircraft. The naval aviation force has very poor search and detection capabilities for enemy submarines. In the past, even the US Navy’s submarines have been able to freely and unimpededly survey the ocean in China’s offshore waters. The deep sea terrain has not encountered any interception. Later, the US Navy itself reported that the nuclear submarine had slipped around the door of the Chinese nation, otherwise we might not even know about it. This situation did exist in the past, but now it has changed.

Air submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft during the exercise

Simply put, after the Air Submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft officially entered service, the offshore anti-submarine search capability of my country's naval aviation has been qualitatively improved. In the past, this kind of naval submarine approaching my country's offshore reconnaissance and detection will not happen again. Through this live fire exercise, my country's naval aviation has also issued a signal to the outside. The Air Submarine 200 anti-submarine patrol aircraft represents China’s anti-submarine strength is different from the past. This is enough to deter those navy submarines who intend to misbehave and drop live targets to sink the target. Powerful anti-submarine capability, which is a disaster for any submarine in a dive state.

Exercise formation flying

Comparing the anti-submarine patrol aircraft of other military powers in the world horizontally. Compared with the old military powers of Russia and the United States, my country's anti-submarine patrol aircraft, which has just started in recent years, does not have enough shortcomings to make further progress. The attainments of the two countries, the US and Russia, in the field of anti-submarine patrol aircraft cannot be underestimated. As early as the peak of the Cold War, the Soviet Union and the US anti-submarine patrol aircraft and submarines began various frequent confrontations, which can be close to the number of missions in actual combat. Even more, these are not available in our country at this stage. Looking to the future, the aerial anti-submarine field of our Chinese naval aviation still needs to continue to improve. Only by defending this extremely important defense field of anti-submarine can the security of the motherland's thousands of miles be further improved.

