Landowners of ‘Nepal-China Friendly Industrial Park’ protest citing disparity in compensation


JHAPA: The dissatisfied landowners of the proposed ‘Nepal-China Friendly Industrial Park’ have come to an organized protest in Jhapa.

The landowners of the area allocated for the proposed park are furious against the government for ‘unfair’ and biased distribution of the compensation.

The proposed Rs 64 billion project to be carried out as a part of the Chinese government’s ‘One Belt One Road’ covers the land of Damak, Kamal and Gauradaha Municipality of Jhapa district.

There is a plan to build a ‘Nepal-China Friendly Industrial Park’ on about 2100 bighas of land including the land of Ward No. 10 of Damak Municipality, Ward No. 5 of Gauradaha Municipality and Ward No. 7 of Kamal Rural Municipality.

Earlier, Prime Minister KP had Oli laid the foundation stone of the park amidst a grand ceremony held in Damak on February 28.  The deadline for the completion of the project is five years. The park falls under PM Oli’s constituency.

The landowners have announced agitation by forming ‘Damak Industrial Park Struggle Committee’. The struggle committee alleges that the land compensation has not been scientific if not reviewed on time it can result in making people homeless soon.

The committee has submitted a memorandum to the concerned bodies of the Government of Nepal has demanded to address its concerns. The committee members allege that no government body has listened to the voice of the victim so far. The struggle committee has also drawn the attention of all political parties.

Locals handing over a memorandum to the government authority.

Disappointed at the government’s indifference towards their woes, around 1,500 landowners gathered in Chandragadhi on April 6 and formed a struggle committee.

A delegation organized led by Khagendra Bhattarai, a coordinator of the Committee handed over the protest letter to the Chief District Officer of Jhapa.

The agitating group organized a short protest rally in Chandragadhi Chowk and urged the government to listen to their concern.

Speaking at the rally, District Chairman of the Federal Democratic National Forum Dhan Bahadur Pandhak urged the concerned authority to listen to the voice of the victim on time.

The struggle committee coordinator Bhattarai, warned to launch a decisive agitation provided the injustice and discrimination prevailed.

He also demanded the details of the land donors of the Maitri Park.

The agitators warn of retaliation if the construction work is started without addressing their concerns.