Two Years of New Era and abrogation of article 370 leaves everyone elated

Speaking on the occasion of the Independence Day 2019, Jamyang Tsering Namgyal, the Lok Sabha MP from Ladakh said " Ladakh and its people are celebrating its real independence for the first time as the abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution that led to the birth of union territory of Ladakh would usher the region to prosperity and would ensure the all round development of people."
Two years after the special constitutional provision meant for Jammu and Kashmir was revoked on August 5 2019, peace has been restored in the valley and common people who otherwise were always at the receiving end of the terrorist activities have heaved a sigh  of relief.    
Considered as the boldest ever step taken by the centre to correct the historical mistake, the abrogation of article 370 has proved that appeasement politics aimed at vote bank  for years and years only caused harm while the real stakeholders of the country were left marginalised. This went against the true spirit of independence and constitution for which numerous people shed their blood.
   As the historical mistake has been corrected a new dawn has started not only in Kashmir valley, but also in Jammu and Ladakh. Jobs are being created and the region now is witnessing peace and tranquility which is the primary condition for development and for the investors to invest.
Article 370 was lopsided while the erstwhile Jammu and Kashmir's varied ethnic groups barring a particular community always felt neglected.
The biggest lacuna of article 370 was the people of Jammu and Kashmir were deprived of many central government schemes as only those living near the line of control were entitled for reservations. Now the provision of reservation has been extended to Pahari-speaking people and economically weaker sections of the society. The benefits of the 7th Central Pay Commission being enjoyed by  more than three lakh Jammu and Kashmir employees is parise worthy.
   The number of terrorist activities, killing of innocent people is at its lowest ebb. Compared to the situation prior to August 5 2019, less number of youth are joining the militancy.  The school dropout rate has decreased.
Kashmiri Pandits who were the biggest victims of foreign funded militancy and terrorism and who were hounded out for severeal years have started seeing ray of hope. Thousands of them who otherwise would not have been able to participate in the development process, are joining the government jobs. The Centre has allocated a separate fund for the relocation, rehabilitation and livelihood of the Kashmiri migrants better known as Kashmiri Pandits.  
Those who were vocal to oppose the abrogation of article 370 two years ago, have been fast realising the fact why it was necessitated to do away with the outdated constitutional special provision.
The critics have now realised the logic why it was necessary to abrogate article 370. This was done to do justice to all the marginalised communities including the people of Ladakh and Jammu.    
The Buddhist community in Leh and Ladakh who always felt neglected and ignored have now realised the revocation and reorganisation will help them steer their own destiny.
 Not only the Biddhsits of Leh and Ladakh, Gujjar Bakarwals, Sikhs, Valmikis and West Pakistan refugees, who were all victims of discriminatory laws  have now felt elated. Even the residents of Jammu who felt that Jammu was always ignored for funds and resources, have now started realising that  the reorganisation is bringing in development.
The abrogation of article 370 was not only supported by the BJP. Congress leader and the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh occupied the tall position when he had said, " the revocation had an in-principle support from the Congress." His only reservation was that its execution was not appropriate. Many young Congress leaders, despite their party's opposition to the Centre's move, individually supported the historical correction.    
Jammu and Kashmir which otherwise used to occupy headlines for all the wrong reasons is fast galloping in the path of development. The Hitherto marginalised people and communities have started tasting real independence.
 Democracy means inclusiveness and unless the stakeholders are not taken on board and make them a party to the nation's development, they would never realise the country belongs as much to them as it belonged to others.
 The abrogation of article 370 
has closed all the dooars for discrimination and for last two years  the people of the union territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are at peace and giving their best in nation building.